Upcoming Project Graduation Events and information…

CLOTHING DRIVE... The last Saturday of the Month...from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm in the Plainville YMCA rear parking lot.  Donations of your gently used clothing, shoes, bedding and stuffed animals are appreciated!

Please help support the PHS/YMCA Project Graduation all-night graduation party for the Plainville High School Class of 2023!! 

Project Graduation 2023

Project Graduation Committee:
Stevie Centurelli, Chair  email:  [email protected]

What is Project Graduation?

Plainville High School/YMCA Project Graduation 2023 is an all-night drug and alcohol-free celebration for PHS Seniors on graduation night.  It is the last event that your child will spend together with all of their graduating peers before they head off to post graduate endeavors.